About Us


Who we are?

NTAMAYUK Foundation, a common initiave group is hereby set up on this 12th June 2011. The global objective shall be to improve on the social and economic well being of the members and other persons by encouraging and promoting their livelihood activities that will lead to injecting, maintaining and updating professional skills in various domains especially modern communication tools and good sanitary habits.

Our Work

Around 1.1 billion people globally do not have access to improved water supply sources, where as 2.0 Billion do not have access to any type of improved sanitation facility. About 2 million people die every year of diarrhea diseases most of them are children less than 5years of age.
The most affected are the populations of developing countries living in extreme conditions of poverty. Normally peri urban duelers or rural inhabitants.
Among the main problems which are responsible for this situations are:-

  • Lack of priority given to the factor
  • Lack of financial resources
  • Lack of sanitation services
  • Poor hygiene behaviors

Inadequate sanitation in public places such as hospitals, health centers, schools, providing access to sufficient quantities of safe water, the provision of facilities for a sanitary disposal of excreta, find introducing sound hygiene behaviors are of capital importance to reduce the burden of diseases cause by risk factors.


Our Activities

To attain these objectives the group shall carry out the following activities.

It shall organize workshops, seminars, formal and informal training of members and interested persons.

Organize Seminars & Training

It shall strive to improve the status of disabled persons, youths, children and the elderly person in the society.

Helping Disabled, Poor & Children

It shall act as an organ for information sharing between members and other organizations with identical goals.

Identical Goals

It shall provide advice, counseling and orientation services to the underprivileged population on the importance of good sanitary.

Counseling & Orientation

It shall mobilize and provide finances to members at moderate rate for investment purposes.


It shall work in close collaboration with community based organisations, NGO and Government institutions.

NGO & Government Institutions
The group shall exist for 99 years with the Headquarter at Mamfe, Mile One Manyu Division South
West Region Box 280 Mamfe.

Our Volunteers

How Can You Help Us

Give monthly, and you’ll become a part of The Spring, a passionate community invested in a world where everyone has clean water.
Give Donation

We are always waiting for your helping hands, human service is the greatest religion.

Become Volunteer

We encourage and invite individuals for volunteer opportunities and volunteer registration, to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision and purpose as us.

Caring Helpless

We care the disabled persons, youths, children and the elderly person in the society.

Trusted Partner

Real and Long-lasting changes can only be created when teams join hands and put equal efforts. We are grateful to have partnered with NGOs that believe in our vision just as much as we do.
Our journey focuses on equalising accessibility and providing relief for the underprivileged. We are proud to share our current partners below.

UNEP Major Group for Children and Youth

Formal Youth Engagement Mechanism to the United Nations Environment Program Environment (GYfE)