Let’s unite to fight poverty and
make the future bright

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NTAMAYUK Water charity Foundation, a common initiave group is hereby set up on this 12th June 2011.

Around 1.1 billion people globally do not have access to improved water supply sources, where as 2.0 Billion do not have access to any type of improved sanitation facility. About 2 million people die every year of diarrhea diseases most of them are children less than 5years of age.
Among the main problems which are responsible for this situations are:-
  • Lack of priority given to the factor
  • Lack of sanitation services
  • Lack of financial resources
  • Poor hygiene behaviors

Our Activities

To attain these objectives the group shall carry out the following activities.

Organize workshops/Seminars/Training

It shall organize workshops, seminars, formal and informal training of members and interested persons in...

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Counseling & Orientation

It shall provide advice, counseling and orientation services to the underprivileged population on the...

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Helping Disabled/Poor/Children

It shall strive to improve the status of disabled persons, youths, children and the elderly..

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It shall mobilize and provide finances to members at moderate rate for investment purposes.

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Identical Goals

It shall act as an organ for information sharing between members and other organizations with...

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NGO & Government Institutions

It shall work in close collaboration with community based organisations, NGO and Government institutions.

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Making peace with Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies” and is based on evidence from global environmental assessments.
The resulting synthesis communicates how climate change biodiversity loss and pollution can be tackled jointly within the framework of the sustainable development Goals. The report serves to translate the current state of scientific knowledge into crisp, clear and digestible facts-based messages that the world can relate to and follow up on.

It first provide an Earth diagnosis of current and projected human-intruded environmental change, by putting facts and. after? interlinkages in perspective including by using smart infographics. In building on this diagnosis the report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current action and those needed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis is anchored in current economic, social and ecological reality and framed by economics and the 2030 Agenda sustainable development. By synthesizing the latest scientific finding from the global environmental assessment the report communicates the current status of the world urgent issue and opportunities to solve them.

Stories from the field


Plant-water relations concern how plants control the hydration of their cells including the collection of the water from the soil, its transport within the plant and its loss by evaporation from the leaves… Flow of water through plant and soil over macroscopic distances is driven by gradients in hydrostatic pressure. Water helps a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant. Nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the plants. Without enough water in the cells, the plants droop, so water helps a plants a plant to stand. Water carries the dissolved sugar and other nutrients through the plants.


Water Charity Organizations Water is used for transpiration carrier of nutrients from the soil to green plant tissues. Water forms over 90% of the plant body by green of fresh weight basis. Plants can synthesis food through photosynthesis only in the presence of water in their system. Water helps to maintain the turgidity of a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant. Nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the plant. Without enough water in the cells, the plants droop, so water helps a plats to stand. Water carries the dissolved sugar and other nutrients through the plant cell walls. Climate charge is disrupting weather patterns, leading to extreme weather events. Unpredictable water availability, exacerbating water scarcity and contaminating water supplies. Rising temperature can lead to deadly pathogens in freshwater sources, making the water dangerous for people to drink with climate, the water cycle is expected to undergo significate change. For example, a warmer climate causes more water to evaporate from both land and ocean; in turn a warmer atmosphere can hold more water-roughly four percent more water for every 1°F rise in temperature.

HRH Chief

Stories from the field


The world can transform its relationship with nature and tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution crises a sustainable future pandemics. The resulting synthesis communicate how climate, change, biodiversity loss and pollution can be tacked jointly within the framework of the sustainable development Goals, clear and digestible facts-based message s that the world can relate to and follow up on. It first provides an Earth diagnosis of current and projected human-induced environment change, by putting facts and interlinkages in perspective, including by smart infographics.

In building on this diagnosis, the report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current actions and those needed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis is anchored in current economic, social and ecological reality and framed by economics and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. By synthesizing the latest scientific findings from the global envoirmental assessments the report communicates the current status of the world’s urgent issue and opportunities to solve them.

How Can You Help Us

Give monthly, and you’ll become a part of The Spring, a passionate community invested in a world where everyone has clean water
Give Donation

We are always waiting for your helping hands, human service is the greatest religion.

Become Volunteer

We encourage and invite individuals for volunteer opportunities and volunteer registration, to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision and purpose as us.

Caring Helpless

We care the disabled persons, youths, children and the elderly person in the society.

Our Gallery

Our photo gallery showcases some of the best captures on-field. These exclusive project albums will give you a glimpse of NTAMAYUK FOUNDATION’s
work as we engage with entire communities, to improve the lives across the country.

Clean Water Charity Organizations cameroon We're All Counting On

If you want to join the Water Charity Foundation cameroon, you're choosing to become a part of an organisation with a rich legacy of service spanning several years. Our company stands as a beacon of hope and change, dedicated to the noble cause of providing clean and safe water to those in need. With a longstanding history of impactful initiatives, we have consistently demonstrated our commitment to addressing one of the world's most pressing issues: the lack of access to clean drinking water. By becoming a member of our foundation, you are not just joining a team; you are becoming a catalyst for transformation. Our work extends far beyond the mere provision of water; it signifies empowerment, health, education, and a better future for countless individuals and communities around the globe. We believe in the power of collective action and understand the significance of each member's contribution. As a part of Water Charity Foundation, you will have the opportunity to directly

Clean Water Foundation The Clean Water Foundation is at the forefront of our mission. We work tirelessly to fund projects and initiatives that bring clean water to underserved regions, improving living conditions and ensuring a healthier future.

Clean Water Foundation Cameroon Our work extends globally, with a focus on regions like Cameroon, where access to clean water is crucial. We collaborate with local communities, governments, and organisations to implement sustainable water solutions.

Clean Water Charity Through our Clean Water Charity, we raise awareness and funds to support projects that provide clean and safe water sources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education to vulnerable communities.

The Importance of Clean Water Clean water is essential for life. We emphasise the significance of clean water in promoting health, reducing diseases, and fostering economic development in communities worldwide.

How to Clean Water Filter We provide valuable information on water filtration techniques and technologies, empowering individuals and communities to purify their water effectively and affordably.

Access to Clean Water in Cameroon We delve into the challenges faced by Cameroon and other regions in accessing clean water, highlighting our efforts in overcoming these obstacles through sustainable projects and community engagement.

Importance of Clean Water Clean water is not just a basic necessity; it’s a fundamental human right. We underscore the importance of clean water in enhancing quality of life and ensuring a healthier future for generations to come.

Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste In our commitment to environmental sustainability, we provide tips and strategies on reducing plastic waste, emphasising the role individuals and communities play in mitigating the plastic pollution crisis.

Reduce Plastic Waste We explore innovative ways to reduce plastic waste, encouraging eco-friendly practices and promoting the use of biodegradable alternatives to plastics.

Reusing Plastic Waste Discover creative ways to reuse plastic waste, minimising its environmental impact and contributing to a circular economy that values sustainability.

Effects of Plastic Waste Understanding the detrimental effects of plastic waste on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health is crucial. We shed light on the consequences of plastic pollution to drive awareness and action.

Solutions to Plastic Waste We present viable solutions and initiatives aimed at tackling plastic waste, advocating for recycling, responsible consumption, and supporting policies that promote a plastic-free environment.

How to Control Plastic Pollution Controlling plastic pollution requires collective effort. We share insights on policies, technologies, and community-driven actions that can effectively control and reduce plastic pollution.

Water Charity Organizations Explore prominent water charity organisations that are making a difference globally, working towards the common goal of providing clean and safe water to those in need.

Clean Water Charity Organizations We highlight and support various clean water charity organisations, showcasing their impactful projects and inspiring others to join the cause of ensuring universal access to clean water.

Charity Water Organization Learn about Charity Water, a pioneering organisation dedicated to bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Discover their innovative projects and the transformative impact they have on communities.

Charity Water Foundation Explore the work of Charity Water Foundation, understanding their unique approach to water projects and their unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability.

The Clean Water Foundation As advocates for clean water, we collaborate with The Clean Water Foundation, supporting their initiatives and amplifying their efforts in providing sustainable water solutions to communities worldwide.

Water Supply Companies We acknowledge the role of water supply companies in ensuring the delivery of safely managed drinking water to households and businesses. We highlight best practices and innovations within the industry.

Safely Managed Drinking Water Safely managed drinking water is not just a convenience; it’s a fundamental right. We delve into the standards and practices that define safely managed drinking water, advocating for its universal availability

Clean Water Foundation cameroon The Clean Water Foundation is at the forefront of our mission. We work tirelessly to fund projects and initiatives that bring clean water to underserved regions, improving living conditions and ensuring a healthier future.
Clean Water Foundation Cameroon Our work extends globally, with a focus on regions like Cameroon, where access to clean water is crucial. We collaborate with local communities, governments, and organisations to implement sustainable water solutions.
Clean Water Charity Cameroon Through our Clean Water Charity, we raise awareness and funds to support projects that provide clean and safe water sources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education to vulnerable communities.
The Importance of Clean Water Clean water is essential for life. We emphasise the significance of clean water in promoting health, reducing diseases, and fostering economic development in communities worldwide.
How to Clean Water Filter We provide valuable information on water filtration techniques and technologies, empowering individuals and communities to purify their water effectively and affordably.
Access to Clean Water in Cameroon We delve into the challenges faced by Cameroon and other regions in accessing clean water, highlighting our efforts in overcoming these obstacles through sustainable projects and community engagement.
Importance of Clean Water Clean water is not just a basic necessity; it’s a fundamental human right. We underscore the importance of clean water in enhancing quality of life and ensuring a healthier future for generations to come.
Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste In our commitment to environmental sustainability, we provide tips and strategies on reducing plastic waste, emphasising the role individuals and communities play in mitigating the plastic pollution crisis
Reduce Plastic Waste We explore innovative ways to reduce plastic waste, encouraging eco-friendly practices and promoting the use of biodegradable alternatives to plastics.
Reusing Plastic Waste Discover creative ways to reuse plastic waste, minimising its environmental impact and contributing to a circular economy that values sustainability.
Effects of Plastic Waste Effects of Plastic Waste Understanding the detrimental effects of plastic waste on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health is crucial. We shed light on the consequences of plastic pollution to drive awareness and action.
Solutions to Plastic Waste Cameroon We present viable solutions and initiatives aimed at tackling plastic waste, advocating for recycling, responsible consumption, and supporting policies that promote a plastic-free environment.
How to Control Plastic Pollution Cameroon Controlling plastic pollution requires collective effort. We share insights on policies, technologies, and community-driven actions that can effectively control and reduce plastic pollution.
Water Charity Organizations Explore prominent water charity organisations that are making a difference globally, working towards the common goal of providing clean and safe water to those in need.
Clean Water Charity Organizations We highlight and support various clean water charity organisations, showcasing their impactful projects and inspiring others to join the cause of ensuring universal access to clean water.
Charity Water Organization Cameroon Learn about Charity Water, a pioneering organisation dedicated to bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Discover their innovative projects and the transformative impact they have on communities.
Charity Water Foundation Explore the work of Charity Water Foundation, understanding their unique approach to water projects and their unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability.
The Clean Water Foundation Cameroon As advocates for clean water, we collaborate with The Clean Water Foundation, supporting their initiatives and amplifying their efforts in providing sustainable water solutions to communities worldwide
Water Supply Companies Cameroon We acknowledge the role of water supply companies in ensuring the delivery of safely managed drinking water to households and businesses. We highlight best practices and innovations within the industry.
Safely Managed Drinking Water Safely managed drinking water is not just a convenience; it’s a fundamental right. We delve into the standards and practices that define safely managed drinking water, advocating for its universal availability.